To our young minds, Hardees was not only a peek at the outside world but a laboratory as well. At one point we had become obsessed with straws.
At the height of our obsession, Mark and I once linked about 30 of them end to end. The resulting superstraw was so mighty that it bowed under the low ceiling, a beautiful plastic arc blossoming from our meager cup. Then the ladies behind the counter said that was enough straws for now. But we could have jousted them if we wanted to, and I think they knew it.
Those Hardee's experiments were the best. I remember one in particular: How many little sugar packets could I consume? Results: 30. I don't remember anything after that.
Good thing I didn't know you back then or we'd have had a sugar contest. I even ate packets of Sweet-n-Low. (That was before I knew it caused cancer in rats who were fed pounds of it at a time.)
A kid who ate packets of Sweet-n-low. Scary. Yet I suppose Binacca (or whatever that cinnamon breath spray was called) had fake sugar yet I managed 16 shots of that. I was drooling all over the bus seat. Jr. High...those were the days.
Oh man that's so funny. And way safer than what I did. My brother and I thought our vitamins were so tasty that one day we waited for mom to be gone and we each took 20. She said we were lucky they didn't have iron in them or we'd be dead. So pass the Binacca I guess.
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